Quantitative Analyses of Skin Cancer Research in Pakistan
In order to investigate the current status of skin cancer research output in Pakistan, International (PubMed) and national (PakMediNet) scientific databases were searched using variety of keywords to retrieve relevant publications. A strict inclusion criterion was applied to select skin cancer publications for final analyses. Data were recorded by two authors and consistent data were entered into SPSS and Microsoft Excel and analyzed for annual growth rate and frequencies. Of 116 articles that were finally included in the study, 74 were original articles, 24 were case-reports, 10 were review articles, three were editorials, two were research communications and one each of case-series, correspondence and response to letter to the editor. The first article on skin cancer from Pakistan was published in 1976 whereas the last article included in our study was published in December 2018. Excluding Karachi, most of the cities have no contribution in the field of skin cancer. Since 1976 to date, the average number of publications per year has been low, with only 2.7 publications per year. Skin cancer research is alarmingly scarce in Pakistan. This calls for immediate attention by all concerned to contribute and devise appropriate measures towards skin cancer research in Pakistan.
doi: https://doi.org/10.12669/pjms.37.2.2889
How to cite this:
Rehman SH, Majid B, Syed SA, Qureshi MA. Quantitative Analyses of Skin Cancer Research in Pakistan. Pak J Med Sci. 2021;37(2):582-587. doi: https://doi.org/10.12669/pjms.37.2.2889
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