Check the diastolic blood pressure twice in aortic dissection as it is associated with prognosis
Objective: In this study we aimed to determine the prediction level of admission diastolic blood pressure (DBP) on the prognosis and mortality in aortic dissection patients over 65 years old and under 65 years old.
Methods: We included 72 patients in this retrospective study and study groups were divided into two groups according to 65 age. Demographic data, dissection type (Stanford A-B), DBP, systolic blood pressure (SBP), mean arteriel pressure (MAP), heart rate (/min) main complaints, preoperative length of stay, hospitalisation clinic (clinic/intensive care unit), length of hospitaliisation, complications during hospitalisation (renal failure etc..) and the outcome (death/dischargement) results were noted. Preoperative lenth of stay, hospitalisation length, outcome and complications were compared between groups according to SBP, DBP, MAP and heart rate.
Results: Mean blood pressure values of the Stanford type B patients over 65 years old were higher than the other group (p<0.05). Fifty percent of patients under 65 years old were discharged but this ratio was 26.9% in the elder group. DBP was positively correlated with preoperative length of stay and hospitalisation length and negatively correlated with mortality. DBP under 65 mmHg was significantly related with high mortality (p<0.05). When the age and presentation time heart rate is added to each other, the values over 142 were significantly related with high mortality (p<0.05).
Conclusions: The presentation time vital signs especially the DBP may be helpful for emergency clinicians to predict the prognosis and outcome in aortic dissection patients which has high mortality ratio in patients over 65 years of age.
How to cite this:
Sari S, Sener K, Calis M, Polat M, Kaya A, Yolcu S. Check the diastolic blood pressure twice in aortic dissection as it is associated with prognosis. Pak J Med Sci. 2021;37(2):339-344. doi:
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